awareness through movement

Feldenkrais-Lessons in Berlin in english

Looking for a Feldenkrais-Group in Berlin – taught in english?
You can try this in my
Therapeutische Praxis Möckernstr. 66 10965 Berlin-Kreuzberg
next to U-Bahn-Station Mehringdamm / Yorckstrasse
I´m teaching in german and english simultaneously.

If you are interested, just leave a message with the contact-form on my website or write a mail:
phone: 030 – 439 23 772 | mobil: 01577 – 781 5670

If you want to take part, you need to do only 3 Things:
* send a request
* wear or take with you warm and comfortable clothing, that allows movement, including warm socks
* bring 10.-/12.- Euro with you.
And you can experience a nice Feldenkrais-Group-Lesson.

Indiviual Lessons – functional integration
You can also book a session one-to-one for special questions/problems.
The individual Work of the Feldenkrais-Method is called Functional Integration. Here we can look for individual solutions.
We can make an appointment, also wear warm comfortable clothing, and die price for this session that lasts all in all ca 1 hour is: 50.- Euro

If you are working with your body, like as dancing, musician, bodytherapistt etc you can do this as advanced training, or if you have an insurance that includes alternative practitioner (Heilpraktiker), there is the possibility of accounting according to GeBüH.

You have more questions?
For more informations just get in contact!
See you!